C for Communication

Communication is about sharing and the passing of information. C for Communication is a collaborative exhibition by artist printmaker Ian Chamberlain and Cristian Zuzunaga.

Both practices intersect through a shared fascination with technology, architecture, and the passage of time. Together, they have explored the evolving nature of com- munication through their distinct yet complementary artistic practice.


A Symbiotic Dialogue

C for Communication is an exploration of the dynamic interplay between the digital and the analogue, the in- visible and the tangible, the spontaneous and the con- sidered. Through their collaborative efforts they aim to create a dialogue that underscores the importance of communication in understanding our place in the world.

This exhibition is not just about art; it is about the ways in which we share and pass on our experiences and knowledge.


Bridging Our Practices

Both artists utilise traditional analogue methods em- bracing the handmade. Cristian’s use of relief printing and Ian’s use of the etching process to engage with contemporary themes. This is further emphasized through Cristian’s layering of letterpress and Ian’s en- gagement with analogue photographic methods such as Cyanotype. Together they start to start display a dialogue between the original and the multiple.

While Cristian’s work explores the symbiotic relation- ship between digital and analogue, Ian’s work preserves and records technological structures that are often forgotten or overlooked.

By examining historical and cultural impacts through their respective mediums, they both seek to communi- cate deeper understandings of human experience its landscape and the evolution of society. Cristian’s focus on ancient geometric patterns and Ian’s interest in architectural monuments provide complementary perspectives on how past and present technologies shape our world.

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